Train (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: train How to pronounce: UK: /treɪn/ US: /treɪn/
British Pronunciation of the word Train
Train as a NOUN #1 Meaning: A railway engine attached to passenger carriages or cargo containers with wheels. Example: > We decided to end our holiday with a four day train journey. > It is safer to travel by train than it is to travel by car.
#2 Meaning: A grouping of animals, humans, or objects traveling in a straight line. Example: > Did you see the cute duck train at the pond? > The horses were trained to travel in a horse train.
#3 Meaning: The piece of a long dress that extends to the floor behind its wearer. Example: > Her wedding dress had a train that was about six meters long. > She did not want her prom dress to have a train.
Train as a VERB #1 Meaning: The act of learning skills and/or exercising the body or mind in order to get ready for a job, activity, or sport. Example: > He starts his pilot training in a week. > They trained hard and long for the upcoming marathon.
#2 Meaning: To cut and tie a plant in order to direct its growth in a specific direction. Example: > A fruit tree's branches needs to be trained during the winter. > He trained the vines to provide more shade once it grows out.
Paramedic (Noun) Syllable division: para·med·ic How to pronounce: UK: /ˌpær.əˈmed.ɪk/ US: /ˌper.əˈmed.ɪk/
American Pronunciation of the word Paramedic
Meaning: Medical professionals who are qualified to provide medical care but is not a doctor or nurse, especially in an emergency. Example: > The team of paramedics rushed to the accident scene to help everyone. > Paramedics have to go for training at least three times per year. > The paramedic saved his life in the ambulance on their way to the hospital.
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Paramedics providing first aid to man injured in car accident.
Spine (Noun) Syllable division: spine How to pronounce: UK: /spaɪn/ US: /spaɪn/
American Pronunciation of the word Spine.
#1 Meaning: The row of bones that runs down the middle of the back and supports the body and shields the spinal cord. Example: > Her spine got injured in the car crash. > They had to operate close to his spine if he wanted to recover fully.
#2 Meaning: A thin, pointed item that is a component of various animals' and plants' exterior surfaces. Example: > If you are not careful, you might get hurt by some cactus spines. > A hedgehog uses its spine to protect itself from danger.
#3 Meaning: The slim band that connects a book's cover to its pages and typically has the title and author's name printed on it. Example: > The author decided to print the font of the spine in gold. > They decided to add some drawings to the spine of the book.
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Lumbar intervertebral spine hernia, woman with back pain at home, spinal disc disease, health problems concept
Salad (Noun) Syllable division: sal·ad How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsæl.əd/ US: /ˈsæl.əd/
American Pronunciation of the word Salad
Meaning: A combination of raw veggies, typically with lettuce, that can be served on its own or with additional foods. Example: > Some people like to serve lasagna with a side salad. > Is a salad really a salad without avocado and feta? > She decided to only eat salads for a week. > My mom adds condensed milk to her potato salad to make it extra special and tasty.
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Fresh salad of baby spinach leaves, sliced strawberries, slivered almonds, feta cheese, and a light dressing.
Astronaut (Noun) Syllable division: as·tro·naut How to pronounce: UK: /ˈæs.trə.nɔːt/ US: /ˈæs.trə.nɑːt/
American Pronunciation of the word Astronaut
Meaning: A person who has undergone space flight training. Example: > He wants to become an astronaut when he grows up. > An American astronaut landed on the moon first. > Being an astronaut can be risky.
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Astronaut over the main module Tianhe on the Space Station Tiangong - flying over the Central America.