
Gadget (Noun)
Syllable division: gad·​get
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈɡædʒ.ɪt/ US: /ˈɡædʒ.ət/

American Pronunciation of the word Gadget

Meaning: A device or machine that is small and has a specific purpose.
> She bought a few new kitchen gadgets at the end of last year.
> Did you see his new gadget for catching insects.
> Their dad gave each of them high-tech gadgets for Christmas.

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Technological gadgets

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Lukewarm (Adjective)
Syllable division: luke·​warm
How to pronounce: UK: /ˌluːkˈwɔːm/ /ˈluːk.wɔːm/ US: /ˈluːk.wɔːrm/

American Pronunciation of the word Lukewarm

#1 Meaning: When something is only a little bit warm.
> She likes to drink her tea lukewarm.
> Make sure that you run a lukewarm bath for your sister before going to bed please.

#2 Meaning: When something is not interesting and exciting.
> His performance got a lukewarm response from the audience.
> They gave a lukewarm proposal for the new tender.
> When he saw her in her dress, his expression was lukewarm.

Happy Tuesday!
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Lukewarm facial expression.

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Commitment (Noun)
Syllable division: com·​mit·​ment
How to pronounce:

American Pronunciation of the word Commitment

Meaning: When you agree/pledge to do something in the future.
> The new principal made a commitment to start serving healthier food in the cafeteria.
> When she said yes to his marriage proposal, she made a commitment to marry him some day.
> We made a commitment to keep trying new things after the pandemic.

Do you like making commitments?

Someone signing a contract to a commitment

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Ancient (Adjective)
Syllable division: an·​cient
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ US: /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/

American Pronunciation of the word Ancient

#1 Meaning: When something from the past has been lasting for a very long time.
> Today we learned about the ancient kingdoms of Mexico.
> People have lived in this town since the ancient times.

#2 Meaning: When something is very old.
> I think it is time to get a new phone, mine is ancient.
> I think that desktop computers are ancient compared to laptops.

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Ancient world map on an old stained parchment

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Solution (Noun)
Syllable division: so·​lu·​tion
How to pronounce: UK: /səˈluː.ʃən/ US: /səˈluː.ʃən/

American Pronunciation of the word Solution

#1 Meaning: The answer to solving a problem
> At the end of the day, she had to think of her own solution to deal with her loss.
> The solution to all the mathematics questions were given to us by our teacher once a week.

#2 Meaning: When a solid is mixed into a liquid and then dissolves.
> She tried to use a solution of peroxide and vinegar to get the stain out of her carpet.
> He made a solution of lukewarm water and salt to help heal his throat sore.

Have a great Saturday!
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A young man trying to find a solution to their problem.

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