
Blissful (Adjective)
Syllable division: bliss·​ful
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈblɪs.fəl/ US: /ˈblɪs.fəl/

American Pronunciation of the word Blissful

Meaning: When someone is very happy / When something makes you feel completely happy.
> We had a blissful long weekend.
> They had a blissful marriage before they got divorced.
> She has a blissful personality!

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Woman being blissful after receiving good news

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Sandstone (Noun)
Syllable division: sand·​stone
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsænd.stəʊn/ US: /ˈsænd.stoʊn/

American Pronunciation of the word Sandstone

Meaning: A rock type made out of sand that is yellow or red.
> They want to build a new sandstone school in the community.
> The mountain had a lot of sandstones.
> A lot of old buildings were built with sandstone.

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Pillars made from Sandstone

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Repair (Verb)
Syllable division: re·​pair
How to pronounce: UK: /rɪˈpeər/ US: /rɪˈper/

American Pronunciation of the word
British Pronunciation of the word Repair

#1 Meaning: When you fix something that has been broken/damaged.
> Dad needs to repair the big hole in the roof before this weekends' party.
> My phone broke, so I need to take it in to be repaired.

#2 Meaning: When something wrong/harmful has been done and you make it right.
> They tried to repair their marriage after what they went through.
> Do you think that it is too late to repair the damage done to nature?

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A worker repairing the door

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Shrink (Verb/Noun)
Syllable division: shrink
How to pronounce: UK: /ʃrɪŋk/ US: /ʃrɪŋk/

American Pronunciation of the word Shrink

Shrink as a Verb
#1 Meaning: When something is made/becomes smaller.
> The expenses of the company shrunk over the last two years.
> Some clothes shrink when you wash it with water that is too hot.

#2 Meaning: When you are afraid of someone/something and move away from it.
> The little boy shrinks away from anyone who talks too loud.
> Most children shrink away from responsibilities and chores in and around the house.

Shrink as a Noun
Meaning: A medical practitioner who treats mental illness (psychiatrist)
> I think she needs to go and see a shrink before it is too late.
> He made an appointment to see a shrink who can help him with his depression.

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The teenage girl sits and listens to her shrink

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Sightseeing (Noun)
Syllable division: sight·​see·​ing
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsaɪtˌsiː.ɪŋ/ US: /ˈsaɪtˌsiː.ɪŋ/

American Pronunciation of the word Sightseeing

Meaning: When you visit exciting places, especially when on holiday.
> When we went to Rome, we did some sightseeing.
> Would you want to go sightseeing with us tomorrow?
> I am sad that we did not have the opportunity to go sightseeing in Rio.

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Woman sightseeing in Sicily.

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