
Insomnia (Noun)
Syllable division: in·​som·​nia
How to pronounce: UK: /ɪnˈsɒə/ US: /ɪnˈsɑːə/

American Pronunciation of the word Insomnia

Meaning: When you are not able to sleep over a period of time.
> Stress can be the cause of insomnia!
> When she was a child, she suffered from insomnia because of her busy schedule.
> My aunt believes that taking a warm bath and drinking some lukewarm milk before bed, can help overcome insomnia.

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Sleepless woman suffering from insomnia.

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Prosthetic (Adjective/Noun)
Syllable division: pros·​thet·​ic
How to pronounce: UK: /prɒsˈθet.ɪk/ US: /prɑːsˈθet̬.ɪk/

American Pronunciation of the word Prosthetic

Meaning: An artificial body part that replaces a body part that is missing.
> After the accident with the saw, she had to get a prosthetic hand.
> He is a Paralympic athlete because he runs with prosthetic legs.
> They had to manufacture a special prosthetic limb for him.

Happy Friday!
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Man sitting on chair with nurse touching prosthetic limb.

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Nausea (Noun)
Syllable division: nau·​sea
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈnɔː.zi.ə/ /ˈnɔː.zi.ʒə/ US: /ˈnɑː.zi.ə/ /ˈnɑː.zi.ʒə/

American and British pronunciation of the word Nausea

Meaning: When you feel that you want to vomit/throw up.
> When you drink that medicine, you might experience nausea.
> I felt a bit nauseous after eating that hamburger.
> A woman who is pregnant experiences morning sickness which makes them feel nauseous.

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Young man feeling nauseous

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Hush (Noun/Exclamation)
Syllable division: hush
How to pronounce: UK: /hʌʃ/ US: /hʌʃ/

American Pronunciation of the word Hush

Hush as a NOUN
Meaning: Silence that is sudden and calm/relaxed.
> After she started crying, a hush fell over the room
> Once the movie started, a hush fell over the movie theater

Meaning: A word used when you tell someone to be quiet.
> Hush now please! I would like to start the lesson.
> Hush! Or you will wake your baby brother!

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Teenage girl in a library putting finger on her lips, showing people to hush.

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Exposition (Noun)
Syllable division: ex·​po·​si·​tion
How to pronounce: UK: /ˌek.spəˈzɪʃ.ən/ US: /ˌek.spəˈzɪʃ.ən/

American Pronunciation of the word Exposition

#1 Meaning: A complete and detailed description of a concept or philosophy.
> The exposition of how volcanos work was very interesting.
> Our mathematics teacher gave a good exposition about the importance of the subject.

#2 Meaning: A public exhibition of industrial goods, works of art, and other items.
> We went to a hunting expo last weekend.
> She decided to attend two wedding expositions before she starts to plan her wedding.

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Woman and man talking about art while visiting a painting exhibition at the art gallery

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