
Quarrel (Noun/Verb)
Syllable division: quar·​rel
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈkwɒr.əl/ US: /ˈkwɔːr.əl/

British Audio Pronunciation of the word Quarrel

Meaning: When two or more people are involved in an angry disagreement.
> They had a quarrel about the bills that are outstanding and refuse to talk to each other
> She decided that she has no quarrel with people who are different.
> He woke up and started quarreling with everyone he saw.

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Stressed emotional couple quarreling when checking financial papers together finding unexpected debt lack of money on bank account.

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Defamation (Noun)
Syllable division: def·​a·​ma·​tion
How to pronounce: UK: /ˌdef.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/ US: /ˌdef.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/

American Audio Pronunciation of the word Defamation

Meaning: When someone makes a false statement about a person that can damage the person's reputation.
> She had to prepare for her defamation lawsuit.
> He defended himself successfully during the defamation trial.
> They decided to sue her for defamation of character

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Defamation file in court with gavel

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Octopus (Noun)
Syllable division: oc·​to·​pus
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈɒk.tə.pəs/ US: /ˈɑːk.tə.pəs/

British Audio Pronunciation of the word Octopus
American Pronunciation of the word Octopus

Meaning: A creature that lives in the sea, has a soft body and eight tentacles.
> When we were at the beach we saw an octopus.
> What do you think an octopus eats?
> When an octopus tries to escape from danger, they squirt some black ink and swim away fast.

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Dwarf (Noun)
Syllable division: dwarf
How to pronounce: UK: /dwɔːf/ US: /dwɔːrf/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Dwarf

#1 Meaning: A person who is much smaller than other people.
> The dwarf tried to reach something on the top shelf.

#2 Meaning: Something that is very small.
> They lived in a dwarf town
> She decided to buy a house with dwarf bedrooms.

Dwarf as a verb
Meaning: When something makes something else seem small, when being compared.
> Her new book collection will dwarf all the other she had before.
> His new car dwarfs his previous car.

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Dwarf and friend playing video games

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Disguise (Verb)
Syllable division: dis·​guise
How to pronounce: UK: /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ US: /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Disguise

#1 Meaning: When you want/try to give something/someone a new form by giving it a new appearance.
> She disguised herself by wearing a wig.
> He disguised the mark on his arm by getting a tattoo over it.

#2 Meaning: When you hide what you think/feel/etc.
> They couldn't disguise their disgust about her behavior.
> We tried to disguise our unhappiness about the situation.

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Businessman wearing fake nose-glasses disguise.

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