Meaning: Clothing that people wear on their hands and wrists when it is cold. Example: > Her grandmother knitted a pair of gloves for her during the summer. > He decided to buy some leather gloves for when he is riding his motorcycle.
Glove as a Verb: #1 Meaning: When you/someone puts on gloves. Example: > They gloved their hands before playing in the snow. > The doctor gloved his hands before he started his surgery.
#2 Meaning: When you play baseball and catch a ball. Example: > He gloved the ball and threw it to his team mate.
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A doctor putting on his/her latex surgical gloves
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Content (Adjective) Syllable division: con·tent How to pronounce: UK: /kənˈtent/ US: /kənˈtent/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Content
#1 Meaning: When you are happy with the way that things are going and do not want something to change or become better. Example: > If you think about it they were very content with their lives. > Will you be content after you received your raise?
#2 Meaning: The stuff that is inside of a container (bottle/room/box, etc.) Example: > She had to empty the contents of her bag at the airport security. > He asked her to move the content from one drawer to another.
#3 Meaning: Referring to the subject, story, or ideas expressed in something like a book, speech, or television program. Example: > They were not allowed to share the contents of the new movie before its release date. > People find it easier and more affordable to read content online.
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Young woman feeling content with her life.
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Irritable (Adjective) Syllable division: ir·ri·ta·ble How to pronounce: UK /ˈɪr.ɪ.tə.bəl/ US /ˈɪr.ə.t̬ə.bəl/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Irritable
Meaning: When you or someone gets annoyed quickly and easily Example: > Do you know what is wrong with her? She seems rather irritable this morning. > "Please just leave!" He said in an irritable way. > Most people are quite irritable when they are tired. > Whenever they lose a game, their coach becomes irritable.
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Tired mother and father sitting on the couch, irritable and exhausted because their children are noisy.
Forgetful (Adjective) Syllable division: for·get·ful How to pronounce: UK: /fəˈɡet.fəl/ US: /fɚˈɡet.fəl/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Forgetful
Meaning: When someone forgets things regularly. Example: > The older they get, the more forgetful they become. > She has been a forgetful person from a young age. > My husband was forgetful while packing the car because he forgot to pack half of our stuff.
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Young woman in yellow sweater holding her head because she forgot something.
Humble (Adjective) Syllable division: hum·ble How to pronounce: UK: /ˈhʌm.bəl/ US: /ˈhʌm.bəl/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Humble
#1 Meaning: When you do not think that you are important / when you do not show boastful behavior. Example: > When she won the price she was very humble. > He wasn't always like this, when he started in this business he was quite humble.
#2 Meaning: When someone is poor or comes from a social rank that is low. Example: > She never forgot her humble background after her first book sold out quickly. > He worked himself up at work and said that growing up in a humble home is what motivated him.
HAPPY FRIDAY! Are you a humble person? Post your own sentence 😀
Close-up shot of a young Indonesian woman being humble by kneeling in front of her mother and kissing her hand to ask for forgiveness.