
Blooming (Adjective)
Syllable division: bloom·​ing
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈbluː.mɪŋ/ US: /ˈbluː.mɪŋ/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Blooming

#1 Meaning: When a person is "blooming", they look very energetic, healthy and attractive.
> Nelly looked positively blooming after getting ready for prom.
> He was blooming more in his twenties than he is in his thirties.

#2 Meaning: The word blooming can be used to convey anger / it can be used to highlight nouns, adverbs or adjectives.
> I am not going to blooming apologize if he does not apologize first!
> It's a blooming shame that they did not thank her for her kindness.

#3 Meaning: When a plant is flowering.
> My favorite season is Spring; that is when most flowers start blooming again.
> The blossoms on the fruit trees started blooming last week.

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Vineyard Peach Flower blooming.

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Syllable division: calm
How to pronounce: UK: /kɑːm/ US: /kɑːm/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Calm

Calm as an Adjective
#1 Meaning: When you are feeling relaxed / without anger or worry.
> He is a very calm person during difficult situations.
> During the fire she remained calm to help everyone.

#2 Meaning: When it is quiet and there is no rush.
> After ten at night, the streets are calm.
> When you entered the room, you could feel the calm atmosphere.

Calm as a Verb
#1 Meaning: When you want to help someone become less angry/upset/overly excited/scared.
> The mother tried to calm her screaming children during the storm.
> After he got fired, his wife tried to calm him from doing anything that he would regret.

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Young man meditating at home to calm his mind

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Aftermath (Noun)
Syllable division: af·​ter·​math 
How to pronounce: UK/US: \ˈaf-tər-ˌmath\

Audio pronunciation of the word Aftermath

Meaning: The situation that results from an important event, especially a harmful one.
> The aftermath of the flood was that most people lost their homes and loved ones.
> What do you think the aftermath of the war was?
> In the aftermath of some students cheating, everyone had to rewrite the paper.

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The aftermath of a hurricane

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Unpack (Verb)
Syllable division: un·​pack
How to pronounce: UKL /ʌnˈpæk/ US: /ʌnˈpæk/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Unpack

Meaning: When you take things out of a suitcase/box/bag/container.
> She enjoyed unpacking her boxes after the move.
> He had to unpack his own bags after the holiday.
> They did not even have time to unpack before the guests arrived.
> He unpacked his new gear immediately after it arrived.

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A young woman is at home, she unpacks her delivered package

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Storm (Noun)
Syllable division: storm
How to pronounce: UK: /stɔːm/ US: /stɔːrm/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Storm

Storm as a Noun
#1 Meaning: Weather that is extreme with heavy rain, strong winds and sometimes lightning.
> The storm came out of nowhere.
> There was a lot of damage after the storm.
> They decided to stay in a hotel rather than to drive in the storm.
> The storm started last night and is still going strong.

#2 Meaning: When people react in an angry way.
> After the fuel price increased, there was a storm of protest from citizens.

Storm as a Verb
#1 Meaning: When a place or building gets attacked by a lot of people who enters quickly.
> The castle was stormed by a thousand soldiers.
> Hundreds of protesters stormed the building with their banners.

#2 Meaning: When someone expresses anger in a loud way with no control.
> After he shouted at her, he stormed out of the building.
> She stormed towards him to tell him exactly what she thinks.

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