Absent (Adjective) Syllable division: ab·sent How to pronounce: UK: /ˈæb.sənt/ US: /ˈæb.sənt/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Absent
#1 Meaning: When you are not (usually) at work or school like you are expected to be. Example: > Do you know why Terry is absent from work today? > Jenny has been absent for three days now. I think we should visit her to see if she is okay.
#2 Meaning: When something is non-existing. Example: > Any sign of fear was absent from his face. > While we were talking I could see that she had an absent smile on her face.
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Single woman alone missing an absent friend while swinging on the beach at sunset
Massage (Verb) Syllable division: mas·sage How to pronounce: UK: /ˈmæs.ɑːʒ/ US: /məˈsɑːʒ/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Message
#1 Meaning: When you want to help someone relax or relieve stiff muscles/joint pain, you rub and press their body in a steady, repetitive motion. Example: > I went for a full body massage this weekend and my entire body feels relaxed. > Would you massage my feet? > It is a proven fact that getting a massage can help relief stress.
#2 Meaning: To deceive someone by making facts or numbers appear better than they really are. Example: > Radio stations have been massaging their listening figures in order to attract more sponsorships. > The investigator massaged the evidence to help his case.
When was the last time you went for a massage? Remember to post your sentence in the comment section!
Massage therapist giving back massage to young woman.
Reasonable (Adjective) Syllable division: rea·son·able How to pronounce: UK: /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/ US: /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Reasonable
#1 Meaning: Fair and practical because it is based on or uses sound judgment. Example: > He is a reasonable man, I am sure he will understand if you explain everything. > Can you prove your innocence without any reasonable doubt?
#2 Meaning: When something is acceptable. Example: > Our journey was long but reasonable. > We had a reasonable argument about our yearly salary raise.
#3 Meaning: When something is not too expensive Example: > I do not think that they are asking a reasonable price for grapes this time of the year. > Make a reasonable offer on the house. I am sure you will get it then.
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Cropped shot of a young couple sitting on the sofa and being unreasonable by giving each other the silent treatment after an argument
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Fearless (Adjective) Syllable division: fear·less How to pronounce: UK: /ˈfɪə.ləs/ US: /ˈfɪr.ləs/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Fearless
Meaning: When you are not afraid of anything. Example: > Conor McGregor is a fearless mixed martial arts fighter. > After high school she went abroad by her self for the first time fearlessly. > It is wise to vote for a politician who fights for his/her people fearlessly. > When she was faced with danger that night, she showed complete fearlessness.
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Young active man and woman diving fearlessly from high cliff into tropical island blue sea water
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Predict (Verb) Syllable division: pre·dict How to pronounce: UK: /prɪˈdɪkt/ US: /prɪˈdɪkt/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Predict
Meaning: When you say that you think that a certain event or action will take place in the future as a result of your expertise or experience. Example: > I predict that he will ask her to marry him if they are still together by the end of the year. > Who could have predicted that their marriage would end after only 6 months? > The scientist predicts that the world will end in two months. > Severe thunderstorms are predicted for the entire week. > Would you have predicted that he would become president?
What is your prediction? Post your prediction in the comment section!
Young female fortune teller predicting someone's future.