Savage (Adjective) Syllable division: sav·age How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsæv.ɪdʒ/ US: /ˈsæv.ɪdʒ/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Savage
#1 Meaning: When someone/something acts in an extremely violent, wild, or terrifying way. Example: > They truly believe that they were attacked by a savage beast the night they went camping at the lake. > When she woke up from her coma she remembered few details from her savage attack.
#2 Meaning: When something is very serious/harsh. Example: > She was tired of all the savage criticism.
#3 Meaning: When something is very big and extreme Example: > It was a savage decision that was made by the mayor. > The CEO of the company realized that some savage cuts have been made in the budget without his consent.
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Extreme close up of Great White Shark attacking something savagely
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Intern Syllable division: in·tern How to pronounce: UK: /ɪnˈtɜːn/ US: /ɪnˈtɝːn/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Intern
Intern as a Verb Meaning: When someone is, during war, locked in prison for reasons related to politics/military. Example: > During the war, many foreigners were interned until they were rescued. > The captain ordered them to intern all the soldiers who were alive after their attack.
Intern as a Noun #1 Meaning: A doctor (male/female) still in training at a hospital. Example: > She was an intern for 6 months before she got to do her first surgery. > He wanted to be an intern at the best hospital in America.
#2 Meaning: When a person gets skilled experience after they trained for a skilled job. Example: > They were interns at the law firm for 2 years.
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Persistent (Adjective) Syllable division: per·sis·tent How to pronounce: UK: /pəˈsɪs.tənt/ US: /pɚˈsɪs.tənt/
Audio Pronunciation of Persistent
#1 Meaning: When something lasts for a long time Example: > He had a persistent skin rash when he was a child. > They started a persistent rumor about their best friend.
#2 Meaning: When something is difficult to get rid of Example: > She had a persistent cough after she recovered from Covid. > He had persistent back problems in his late 40's
#3 Meaning: When someone continues to do something or is determined to try something in an unreasonable way Example: > If you want to lose weight, it is important to be persistent when following a diet. > Because he was a persistent drug addict, they had to arrest him.
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Shot of a beautiful young woman training persistently
Beverage (Noun) Syllable division: bev·er·age How to pronounce: UK: /ˈbev.ər.ɪdʒ/ US: /ˈbev.ɚ.ɪdʒ/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Beverage
Meaning: Something that you can drink Example: > I like to drink alcoholic beverages after I had a long day at work. > During the winter months people tend to drink beverages that are hot rather than cold. > When you go to a restaurant, you normally order your beverage first. > He always buys beverages for the road before driving to another town.
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Friends toasting to something while holding tropical blended fruit beverages.
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Sugarcoat (Verb) Syllable division: sug·ar·coat How to pronounce: UK: /ˈʃʊɡ.ə.kəʊt/ US: /ˈʃʊɡ.ɚ.koʊt/
Pronunciation of the word Sugarcoat
#1 Meaning: When someone turns something negative/unpleasant, into something more positive/pleasant. Example: > I do not think that you should sugarcoat the fact that she tried to bride the officer to not get a ticket. > She always tries to sugarcoat his mistakes because she wants him to like her.
#2 Meaning: When you literally cover something e.g. food with sugar. Example: > I like to buy ice-cream in a sugarcoated cone. > Some pills should be sugarcoated for children to take them without parents having to struggle.
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Selection of sugarcoated sweets
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