Doubt (Noun) Syllable division: doubt How to pronounce: UK: /daʊt/ US: /daʊt/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Doubt
#1 Meaning: When you experience the feeling of not being certain about something being good/true. Example: > I am having doubts about going to university next year. > His mother never doubted that he could win the match. > I doubt that she is the best person to ask for advice.
#2 Meaning: Experiencing a lack of confidence in someone/something. Example: > I doubt that it would make a difference if she goes. > Even though he succeeded before, I couldn't help but doubt the his abilities second time he tried. > I try not to doubt their judgement but it is difficult.
Use the phrase "without a doubt" to emphasize your opinion. Example: She is without a doubt the best cook that I know.
Use the phrase "in doubt" when something is not likely to be successful or continue. Example: His future at this firm is in doubt due to his lack of performance.
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Woman experiencing doubt over something
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Cringe (Verb) Syllable division: cringe How to pronounce: UK: /krɪndʒ/ US: /krɪndʒ/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Cringe
#1 Meaning: Feeling embarrassed or disgusted. Example: > I cringed at the site of my parents kissing. > She cringes every time her boyfriend sings a song.
#2 Meaning: When you are afraid of something or someone that seems dangerous. Example: > She cringes every time she hears the neighbour's dog barking. > He cringed when he saw the bully walking towards him.
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Person cringing at the site of something
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Circumstance (Noun) Syllable division: cir·cum·stance How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/ US: /ˈsɝː.kəm.stæns/
Audio Pronunciation of the word circumstance
#1 Meaning: When a fact or an event results in the outcomes of a situation. Example: A: Did you hear that she lost her job? B: Yes, I think she is coping well under the circumstances.
#2 Meaning: Events which you have no control over that changes your live. Example: The people who died in the fire were victims of circumstance.
#3 Meaning: The financial conditions of someone's life. Example: When his parents passed away they made sure that their son would grow up in comfortable circumstances.
Cheerful (Adjective) Syllable division: cheer·ful How to pronounce: UK: /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/ US: /ˈtʃɪr.fəl/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Cheerful
#1 Meaning: When someone is happy and positive. Example: > I am hoping to have a cheerful weekend! > Even after he lost everything, he still managed to be cheerful.
#2 Meaning: When a place or a thing can make you feel happy and positive because it is bright and pleasant. Example: > She liked going to school because her teacher's classroom was bright and cheerful. > He wanted to listen to cheerful music while working.
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A team full of cheerful members.
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Congruency (Noun) Syllable division: con·gru·en·cy How to pronounce: UK: /ˈkɒŋ.ɡru.əns/ US: /ˈkɑːŋ.ɡru.əns/
Audio Pronunciation of the word Congruency
Meaning: When something has the quality of being similar to something else. Example: After the police questioned both of the victims, they realized that their statements had no form of congruency.
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Congruent triangles
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